After Justin’s wake, one of my fraternity brothers, Al told a story about how he had been on his patio before dawn, lighting a smoker, and heard a whoosh sound. He was wearing a headlamp, and turned to see a huge owl, less than 10 feet away on a branch overhanging his patio. They stared at each other for over a minute, then the owl flew to the roof of the house and perched on the gutter for a few more minutes, peering at Al. It turns out that was the night Justin died, and I’m convinced that he was saying hello/goodbye to our good friend Al.
Of all the signs Justin has shown us, raptors (owls, hawks, eagles, osprey, etc.) have been the most spectacular. And we’ve seen a lot of them. I believe it’s safe to say that we’ve seen more hawks in the past four years than we did in the previous six decades.
Detractors might say that these birds have always been there, and we’re just noticing them more. There may be some truth to that, but Justin actually told us to watch for hawks through two different mediums.
One may wonder how it’s possible for spirit to show us signs through intelligent creatures like hawks. Perhaps it’s because they can control at least two things:
- Hawks are just following their instincts, soaring around aimlessly until they spot something of interest. So, it’s likely that spirit can get inside the bird’s head and convince it to zig instead of zag at the right time.
- Similarly, people don’t have an exact plan all the time. So one could imagine that spirit might direct our gaze while we’re driving (or walking). They can also influence our departure times and speed.
This results in us looking in the right direction at the right time for a raptor to come soaring or swooping nearby. Perhaps letting out a call to get our attention.
For us, these haven’t been mere sightings. Frequently the birds have gotten right up in our face. I can comfortably say to detractors that we’d definitely remember seeing that before. Here are just a few examples:
Justin’s girlfriend, Melissa told us that Justin once pointed out a bald eagle at Walden Pond. He told her about how you can recognize them from the white head and tail. Months later, when Melissa was driving to VT to help us spread Justin’s ashes, she started wondering if she’d recognize a bald eagle if she saw one. Just then, one flew directly in front of her car.
In the summer of 2019, Justin’s cousin, Becky got married (to Ian) in Bristol RI, near Narraganset Bay. During the vows, an osprey (aka sea hawk) circled directly over their heads. It was so thrilling that Ceri pointed it out to her sister, Megan, and even Justin’s brother, Ray commented on it after the ceremony. A few months later, Ceri was driving to the grocery store thinking about that incident, and a hawk swooped down and flew in front of her car.
After pulling into our driveway in February 2020, Ceri saw the shadow of a big bird on the ground. When she looked up to see what it was, a hawk swooped down between her car and the house (a gap of less than 10 feet), and circled right above her so she could see it through her moon roof.
Ceri and I had scheduled Justin’s second memorial pool tournament in April 2020, but needed to postpone due to Covid. So instead, we hung out with our neighbors, Anne and Dan Ferguson on the cul-de-sac (aka circle) between our houses. Just before 4:00, when the tournament was originally scheduled to begin, a hawk soared low right over our heads.
A month later, we again met Anne and Dan on the circle. And when their son, Mark arrived two falcons flew over, and then a hawk. The hawk later soared directly over our heads and circled a few times. Mark and Justin had been friends when they were younger, so this display seemed appropriate.
After one of our Covid lunches with the Fergusons, Dan and I drove to West Acton Creamery to pick up ice cream for everyone. After we parked, I saw a hawk flying right down the middle of the road (Rt. 111) at eye level. This was in the center of town, and it couldn’t have been more than 20 feet away from us. I even had time to point it out to Dan, and we watched it fly by, swoop up, and land on a telephone pole next to our car.
Ceri and Ray were on our back deck on Father’s Day of 2020, and a hawk flew across the yard, straight at them, about eight feet off the ground. It changed directions at the last second, and soared into the woods. I was just coming outside, so I missed it, but I heard the gasps of excitement.
Justin’s cousin Miles snapped the picture of the hawk perched on the Holden St. sign used for this post, remembering that Melissa used to say Justin was her Holden Caulfield (from “The Catcher in the Rye”).